Monday, November 10, 2014

Is it Remission? IS IT??

As you all know I am 3 months post op from having pituitary surgery to get a tumor out. I have had Cushings for at least 4 years but can go back about 6. I have been waiting on my 3 month tests to see if I am truly in Remission for Cushings Disease. This has been my be in remission! Its everyone who has Cushings mission because we just want to feel better, get healthier, get our lives back! Today I feel like this lady!!!
I feel remission symptoms poking out more than my Cushings symptoms. In the last three months I have been now able to pick up almost 30 pounds instead of 10. I have lost 24 pounds even though I am still weening from cortisol. I sleep every night. No insomnia. My general mood is better. My hair is starting to grow back. I do not have high blood pressure anymore. I am not bruising at the slightest touch. I now get cold instead of always being hot and my life is starting to peak out! I am starting to see every single part of me repair although it maybe slow. My life is coming back! I see bigger and bigger peaks of me...of the Real Rae!
BUT................................I still worry. Am I remission? Or am I not? Am I in remission or am I not? Am I just getting better because they got most of my tumor out? Or do I have cells left and I just am feeling better and doing better but not truly in remission. I needed to make sure my testing was just as good as my symptoms were. Today was that day! I feel it was one of the best days of my life. Is that sad? Probably but this has been one of the battles that I hope will forever be over with! Its not easy by any means.
ACTH 13 (normal 6-50)

Cortisol at 8am blood draw 10.9 (4-22normal)
So I got all my test results back. I had 8am blood draw and I am in remission!! REMISSION! I have wanted to hear that for so long that I keep looking at myself in the mirror and saying to myself "Yes you are!". My cortisol is great now! So much lower than it ever was! These are great numbers for me to have. My acth has gone down so much! Even at the hospital on day 5 after my surgery  it was 25 so it has gone down to 13. To be honest guys...I am crying as I write this because I needed that validation from my numbers as much as from my symptoms.
I still need to remember that I am 3 months post op from a brain surgery. I have to remember that I am not that full on superwoman that I want to be. I have that peaking out and know its there. I have to be careful.I just had my daughters 16th bday party and it was a huge success. I knew it would take every last piece of energy out of me but with friends and family to help me it would be amazing. I have to remember to heal. I took that day and ran myself ragged. I will pay for that day for many days after but to me it was worth it. I found myself doing things that I couldn't do for a really long time. It was an amazing moment in time. I know that my daughter will remember her masquerade bday party forever because of it. Sweet 16! I had to do it....and I could! Before surgery there would be no way I could of done what I did that day. I even danced with my husband! I hadn't danced with him in years. I laughed! I had fun! I decorated and made it so she would remember this forever! I had great memories with her that I hope she will never forget. All this because my amazing Dr Edmonds, my endo Dr Friedman and my Neurosurgeon Dr. McCutcheon took the time and their knowledge to help me. These three men will always have a place in my heart for they gave me my life back! I am in Remission! Its a day to celebrate! Just like my daughters sweet are a couple pictures of that special day!
My daughter Cassie sweet 16 Masquerade Ball
My husband Ryan, My daughter Cassie and I
Ready for my first party after surgery (3 months)
My youngest son Jason Dancing
My middle son Joshua
My oldest son Jackson
Kids getting the dance floor set up


  1. So very happy for you! Wonderful news!!!

  2. So happy for you its so nice to hear something great come out of this horrible disease :)

  3. YOU ARE IN REMISSION! Yay! You are fabulous! You are beautiful! You are inspiring! I am so glad to call you my good friend. I love you and am so happy to see the positive changes (there are more to come!). Thank you for sharing so much of you with everyone. You give us HOPE! <3

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