Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Before and After (symptoms)

So today a couple of my Cushie friends asked me to send them my symptoms list that I had when I first was having problems. While rereading it to send to them because its been almost a year now (four months post op though) I noticed that WOW things have changed! I am hoping this will give someone hope! But this is my symptoms and in parenthesis is what it is like now after 4 months post op.

  • Inability to lose weight no matter diet or exercise (able to lose weight now)
  • Central Obesity (stomach 2 inches smaller) 
  • Weight Gain 47 pounds in 6 months 80 pounds in one year (lost 23 pounds)
  • Insomnia only sleeping 2-3 hours a night (restful sleep 8 plus hours)
  • Buffalo Hump (yep its getting smaller)
  • Moon Face (double chin getting smaller and can see cheek bones)
  • Hot all the time even in a cold room (now I sleep under the blankets instead of on top)
  • Thinning hair especially around my bangs area (new whispies appearing!)
  • Red, Flushed Face (no more hot flashes)
  • Heart Palpitations almost every night 120s (Heart rate is at normal level 60-80s)
  • Blood Pressure on daily basis 160/110 (Now 123/80s)
  • Not much of a Libido (Yeah for my husband its back)
  • Stretch marks all over stomach and corners of breasts red and thick (starting to fade color)
  • Low immune system. Bronchitis 6 times and walking pneumonia in 8 months (bronchitis one time in 4 months)
  • Loss of words and work call (less and less but still have short term memory problems)
  • Anxiety every night and out the roof (Anxiety only when actually called for)
  • Mood Swings. (Husband said those are WAY less :)
  • Weakening of Muscles Before Surgery could only lift 10-15lbs (lifting 30-45 pounds now)
  • Fatigue just had no git up and go (still tired but it is better and I am doing a lot more)
  • Whiskers popping up on chin (same)
  • Bruising without even noticing I was bumping into anything (no bruising)
  • Thinning skin, hurts to touch sometimes (seems to be toughening up because doesn't hurt as much)
  • Major Aches and Pains (minor aches and pains except when hip goes out)
  • Very slow healing with cuts or bug bites (faster healing but still slower than normal)
  • Concentration is VERY weak (able to start and finish tasks with no problem)
  • Depression and don't have a reason why really (feeling much better)

So in 4 months there has been so much change! Amazing because I realized it but didn't realize it as much until I saw my personal symptoms list. There really can be a light at the end of the tunnel with remission. Not everyone will have the same effects. Some more and some less but it does get better! If you are not there yet please feel free to always email me at cushingscountrygirl@gmail.com and lets help you find drs or help or support. I am not a DR by any means but I am willing to help you find support. If you are in remission and would like to share your story please email me also. We are working on a website of cushingstories where all stages of the disease are addressed through personal journeys.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

RIP :(

As I look at this blank page with so much on my heart I want to say its hard for me to know where to start.

First I will say that this week my friend was driving to school in our truck and went off the road, rolled numerous times and went straight to God to be with him in his glory. Now I want to talk about all the good!
Debbie and Cameron

 My friend Debbie Card. She was a single woman living on her own at a ranch  with the world at her feet. She was the Secretary of our school here in Big Valley. Big Valley really isn't big though. Its formed of a couple of towns but each town only has about 250 ppl in it. So with that many people you can be sure that she made each and every person smile! So within the two years we have lived in Big Valley I had gotten to know my friend by volunteering at the school. She was so funny because she was like me....she would talk and talk and talk. The thing that was cool about her though is she had a small accent and would always say words like "wee little one" that would crack me up. After about a year of knowing her, her always being so gracious to everyone,(even our family) we heard she needed to move. She had this giant dog named Finnegan and the neighbor dogs would make her dog bark all day long. We happened to have a house for rent. I was worried she wouldn't want it because although it was a 3 bedroom it was on 3000 acres and she was a single woman. She made it very clear to me that her dog and her would love to have that "majestic beauty" around them and she was a "rather big girl who could handle it".

After she moved in we became even closer friends. Not because she was renting from us but because she was fun to be around and also because we moved next door 400 acres away.

What can I say about my friend? So much. To type it ALL out would be so hard. I will share some of my memories that I have of her. Memories that are just ours and will always be in my head. First because we lived close every time one of us was sick with a cold we would have the kids drive from one place to the other offering homemade chicken noodle soup or gumbo. Debbie always made everyone feel like they were kings or queens. She would rave about my cooking and let me tell you its totally just normal cooking. She always was so positive!! Always. Even when she was sick she would laugh when I would come in my pjs telling me that "man I was a super star dresser lol". We laughed a lot. I wish I would of spend more and more time sitting and drinking tea. I regret the fact that I felt my life was so busy with four teens that I didn't take more time out of my day to visit with her. Debbie was a hard worker. I remember worrying because I didn't see her home so I would call her. She was still at the school at 800 at night saying she was just trying to finish up with stuff.  She loved animals so much. She watched our house so we could go to the kids Championship game and send me a text every 4 hours to give me an update on our dogs:) She was an amazing artist too. We took a art class at the school together. Don't laugh now but we were the only adults there. I went at first just to be able to spend more time with my daughter but Cassie being a teen I ended up sitting by Debbie. I think we got in trouble for talking more than the teens did ha! I would text her my newest painting (mind you I have never painted before) and she would always tell me how wonderful I was. Her kitchen was full of awesome art supplies and she had an art room. Told me to come over and lets play art together anytime. I said whenever you want me to come to call and I will be there. She told me if I was going to be stuffy then she will make me a gold plated invitation to her house. She made me laugh. Did I say she didn't have a mean bone in her body? She used to crack me up so much. I always told her how beautiful she was and how I wish I could steal her skin. Did I say she gave the best hugs too? And since I am babbling and not doing this in any order because I just want to get my feelings out...I remember when she had one of the kids over to her house. She was watching him till he was able to go home, he had just been at our house. We were all trying to help his parents out. Well I had two kittens that this little boy didn't want to leave. So we took them to Debbies with us. Well lets just say after the little boy went home, she wouldn't let the kittens go back to our house. She was a lover of animals. When I first met her she had Rosie her Saint Bernard.
Debbie and Rosie as a pup
Rosie passed and then she got Finnegan. Finnegan oh Finnegan he is a huge and I do mean huge pup that is a scardy cat of everything. We used to laugh at that. Finnegan did go straight to me which was always surprised at. I saved that dog so many times because I didn't want to have to call Debbie and tell her that Finn was missing or on the highway (he can run a long ways when he would follow her when she left)or worse that she didn't have him anymore. I didn't want to have HER heart broken.
Big Ol Pup Finn
Debbie was an amazing person who loved art, people, animals and was a chatty gal who always was humming:) She loved her sons beyond all things. Its funny when you have never met the kids of your friend because they are grown and live far away but you feel like you know them.  I will miss her so much. I feel the first thing she felt in heaven was a hug from her son Collin and her dog Rosie. I am so thankful that she was able to see her other son a couple weeks before. You just never know but she always made away to go see him no matter what.

Now we have Finnegan and those two pesky cats. I swear Finn is sad like me and misses her. We have cried a lot together. I think that Finn knows how I feel and I know how he feels. Mind you we have 4 dogs already but I feel like a piece of Debbie is with me right now. I miss her. He misses her.
We all miss her. This week was a very tragic week. As all of you know I am recovered from Cushings but cannot deal with stress a lot yet. If I have too much stress or get sick with an illness I go into Adrenal Insufficiency and in the 4 months I have been "in remission" I have been in the ER three times. Its been such a hard week and everyday I have had to stress dose a lot on cortisol.  Why am I telling you this? Because...

I am alive. I am able to be happy or sad or mad or angry or blissful or full of hope or full of life. My friend Debbie is not. With all the stuff I complain about in my life through sickness I have to remember that I am STILL HERE. Debbie is teaching me even though she is not here on earth anymore. She made such a mark in my life in the last two years and never once said something negative. Do you think she didn't have problems? She did. Do you think she didn't have illness or heartache or even bad days? She did. She had many days of wondering. Days of depression of missing her son who was in heaven. Days were she was sad or mad.  Everyone does because we are human. Debbie CHOSE to live her life, to be positive and to LOVE. She complimented every person she met. She made you FEEL like you were apart of her family since day one. She would tell me that I was in her "inner circle" which made me feel so good. She always made everyone feel good!  She was amazing. When people pass we try to remember the good and not the bad things about them. With Debbie....there WAS only good! May she rest in peace. Its hard for me to say it was in Gods timing but to me it really is. She is dancing with her other son now and I know she is looking down at her other son, watching him and is going to help him be ok.

Say your I love you's, compliment people, make them feel good about themselves, help others, love others, love animals, be compassionate, work hard, think outside the box, play, do art, be creative, always be helpful.......................that is what I have learned more from my friend. I just wish I would of learned this lesson more so before she passed than after. I love you Debbie! Your spirit will go on. Finn and I are going to keep talking to each other till we heal, but we know you are wrapped in Gods tender arms. I love you! Thank you for being you! Thank you! Finn and I will continue to talk about you and I promise you that we will make sure that he is ok! We love you.
Long weekend and not going to leave each other sides

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

A week from hell? Or was it?

Understanding Cushings by #Novartis
I have had a week of craziness. One of scary AI events to one of victory and fun and happiness. I guess that is a Recovering Cushies life. I have good days and I have bad days. I guess I will start from exactly 7 days ago. Just to give you an idea of my week

Monday-I woke up with my throat killing me for the second day. Made an appt to go see the Dr but that never even came. See when you have a fever, or are in pain, or have a sickness after having pituitary surgery you have to stress dose. Before surgery my tumor would create me to have excess cortisol. After my surgery and now that the tumor is out I am retraining my body to produce its own cortisol therefor I take it in the pill form. When you are sick your body eats up the cortisol or sometimes its hard to even keep it in your body because of vomiting, diarrhea etc...   This was me. I couldn't keep my medicine down. I started to vomit, already had a fever, my throat was killing me, started to get really confused and my hands and arms felt like they weren't working. My husband thankfully was there, gave me my 100 mg emergency Solu-Coref shot and we went into the ER midday. Once at the ER my blood pressure was sky high which is usually abnormal for someone who is going through Adrenal Insufficiency but I am one of those rare ppl who it shoots sky high and then plummets fast. That's how I knew something was wrong besides that I was loosing my thought process and my arm functions. My blood pressure has been normal since surgery but that day it was 194/133 and my heart was racing. Thankfully the ER doctor got ahold of my Endo and he said yes Blood Pressure can go high and to treat her. I had my emergency letter so they gave me another 100mg of Solu-coref, 2 bags of IV fluids, tested me for strept (I was positive), gave me pain meds and then tested my electrolytes and salt levels. Once I was feeling better and stable they let me go home with a prescription of Penicillin.

Tuesday-Woke up still feeling bad. Went by Dr orders and tripled my cortisol intake for the day to be able to keep enough in me since my body still had temp. Took my antibiotics by mouth. Stayed in bed all day. Got up just to go to the bathroom. Fever finally broke that night.

Wednesday- I woke up on the third day and my throat was killing me. Hurt to swallow but forced fluids down. Took my antibiotics and my cortisol as instructed by the Dr. Was not feeling well. Felt overly tired and felt as if I was getting low again. Stress dosed again. Started getting nauseous and then couldn't keep anything down. No fluids, no medicine.....started to once again go into Adrenal Insufficiency by not being able to lift my arms well or keep any meds down. Started to want to just sleep, sleep, sleep. Husband once again gave me shot and took me into the ER. This time they knew I was coming and had everything set up for me. Got another 100mg Solu-coref. Iv bags of fluids, Pain medication for my head from my blood pressure that was once again sky high on the way to the ER and then plummeted by the time I got there. We live 45 minutes from nearest hospital. THIS TIME though they gave me a shot in the rear-end of Penicillin since I had not been able to keep my meds down. I got replacement fluids and was released to go home 5 hours later.

Thurday- Decision day....I woke up and my throat felt better. I still sounded horrible but I could swallow and I felt so much better. I didn't leave my bed much though because I had a big decision to make. Two of my four kids were having a Championships game in Football. Not only was it important to not one BUT Two of my kids but it was the first time they had been to Championships since 2003. This was a big deal to them. I had been to every one of their home games and went to their playoffs and didn't want to miss their championship game. I still didn't feel well enough to even think of going yet but I would really think about it. By Friday, if I felt better then I was going to go. I decided that we would just stay in a hotel that night so I could go to the hotel and rest before and after the game. I didn't want to play with fire but I didn't want to not be there for my kids. Its a fine line. To me I felt like this is something they would always remember though. I knew if I felt better the next day I would be going.

Friday- Game day! I was feeling a lot better. Still not perfect but I decided I was going to be at the game. Told my boys I would see them later that day. We took the 2 hour drive and checked into the hotel. Made some posters, got new rain jackets and even bought a couple new winter clothes for the game. It was sprinkling when we left. Once at the game I kept having friends and family watch out for me. I couldn't scream (didn't have enough of a voice) but I clapped and cheered. The smiles on my boys face was unforgettable. They were excited, pumped up and happy we were there. That night it rained a lot and I knew that me being there probably wasn't the best decision in the world. I wouldn't of asked or even told anyone else to do what I did.....but for me....and my life....it was what I wanted to do. I know this is going to sound dumb to some but I don't want to live my life with regrets. My mother died at 55 years old from cancer and the one thing she said to me was to LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE.....so for ME this is what I was doing. I am proud to say that my boys and their whole awesome Cardinals team WON!!!! It was such a big celebration and to see them jumping up and down screaming was awesome! Even better was when both teams came together and prayed. It was a site to see. I am so glad that I went. I knew I would have to take it easy for the next few days as I was still recovering but it was worth it to see my sons faces on this day in their lives that they will not forget.

My boys so proud of them

Bundled up

They won!

Saturday-Monday... We slept in and decided to stay a couple days at the hotel. It would be a time for shopping, movies, going to Turtle Bay Museum and Toytopia. I am thankful I have the husband that I do. I went out when they went to eat and went to a movie or two in the next few days. The rest of the time I was back at the hotel resting or sleeping as my family went shopping, swam at the hotel, got haircuts, went to the bird house etc.3/4 of the time I was in the hotel resting. I am a lucky gal. I didn't get sick after and I am continuing to get better. I know in the future I will definitely have to remember to watch it when I get sick. I will have to make sure that I rest and recover. I am not saying I would want anyone to do what I did. It was just the right decision for me and my family. I have no regrets for this week. It started off pretty scary and I am really new at this (being only 3.5 months post op) but I am learning along the way. I am also so thankful for all my friends, family and Cushing support who tell me how they feel. Are honest with me and yet not mean. Who help me to learn as I am going also. I want to say thank you for that awesome support.

Now this coming week....Thanksgiving.....

Monday, November 10, 2014

Is it Remission? IS IT??

As you all know I am 3 months post op from having pituitary surgery to get a tumor out. I have had Cushings for at least 4 years but can go back about 6. I have been waiting on my 3 month tests to see if I am truly in Remission for Cushings Disease. This has been my mission.....to be in remission! Its everyone who has Cushings mission because we just want to feel better, get healthier, get our lives back! Today I feel like this lady!!!
I feel remission symptoms poking out more than my Cushings symptoms. In the last three months I have been now able to pick up almost 30 pounds instead of 10. I have lost 24 pounds even though I am still weening from cortisol. I sleep every night. No insomnia. My general mood is better. My hair is starting to grow back. I do not have high blood pressure anymore. I am not bruising at the slightest touch. I now get cold instead of always being hot and my life is starting to peak out! I am starting to see every single part of me repair although it maybe slow. My life is coming back! I see bigger and bigger peaks of me...of the Real Rae!
BUT................................I still worry. Am I remission? Or am I not? Am I in remission or am I not? Am I just getting better because they got most of my tumor out? Or do I have cells left and I just am feeling better and doing better but not truly in remission. I needed to make sure my testing was just as good as my symptoms were. Today was that day! I feel it was one of the best days of my life. Is that sad? Probably but this has been one of the battles that I hope will forever be over with! Its not easy by any means.
ACTH 13 (normal 6-50)

Cortisol at 8am blood draw 10.9 (4-22normal)
So I got all my test results back. I had 8am blood draw and I am in remission!! REMISSION! I have wanted to hear that for so long that I keep looking at myself in the mirror and saying to myself "Yes you are!". My cortisol is great now! So much lower than it ever was! These are great numbers for me to have. My acth has gone down so much! Even at the hospital on day 5 after my surgery  it was 25 so it has gone down to 13. To be honest guys...I am crying as I write this because I needed that validation from my numbers as much as from my symptoms.
I still need to remember that I am 3 months post op from a brain surgery. I have to remember that I am not that full on superwoman that I want to be. I have that peaking out and know its there. I have to be careful.I just had my daughters 16th bday party and it was a huge success. I knew it would take every last piece of energy out of me but with friends and family to help me it would be amazing. I have to remember to heal. I took that day and ran myself ragged. I will pay for that day for many days after but to me it was worth it. I found myself doing things that I couldn't do for a really long time. It was an amazing moment in time. I know that my daughter will remember her masquerade bday party forever because of it. Sweet 16! I had to do it....and I could! Before surgery there would be no way I could of done what I did that day. I even danced with my husband! I hadn't danced with him in years. I laughed! I had fun! I decorated and made it so she would remember this forever! I had great memories with her that I hope she will never forget. All this because my amazing Dr Edmonds, my endo Dr Friedman and my Neurosurgeon Dr. McCutcheon took the time and their knowledge to help me. These three men will always have a place in my heart for they gave me my life back! I am in Remission! Its a day to celebrate! Just like my daughters sweet 16......here are a couple pictures of that special day!
My daughter Cassie sweet 16 Masquerade Ball
My husband Ryan, My daughter Cassie and I
Ready for my first party after surgery (3 months)
My youngest son Jason Dancing
My middle son Joshua
My oldest son Jackson
Kids getting the dance floor set up

Monday, November 3, 2014

Gross Pics....the ugly disease....But this is ME.

Cushings.....the ugly disease:( Okay first off I would like to say I have heard this so many times and I have to disagree! This is not the ugly disease. Actually would make me mad or sad when I heard this. This is a hard enough disease of which so many ppl have a hard time getting diagnosed. I am going to really expose myself in this blog with pictures that I am not proud of and never thought I would put out there for anyone or everyone to see. BUT I am going to because I want to show some of the signs and symptoms of what could happen and what did happen to me. First off I would like to say "I AM NOT UGLY....and none of what is happening to me or has happened to my body is because I wanted it."

hot spots that just appeared

My buffalo hump that grew

round moon face

bad stretch marks just appeared from thin skin and discolored skin

bruising for no reason

belly large and bloated day of surgery

one month after surgery...going down but so many stretch marks
I would show more pictures of some of the changes that happened to my body in the last couple years from cushings. But now in remission and 3 months post op you can start to see the changes for the better. The reason I decided to show the world these pictures is I am hoping someone can relate and go in and see their doctor. I am now 3 months post op and already on the mend. In remission for the time being and things are getting better again. My body is going back to normal. Will all the stretch marks ever go away ? Probably not. But it will be my badge of courage that will remind me how I fought to get to where I am now. Each day I am getting better. Each day I will continue to retrain my mind to tell myself again how beautiful I am. That the disease is not going to define me or who I am. I am not just beautiful on the inside but the outside too. I will show off who I am and not hide from the world. Its not something everyone can do but I plan on working on it daily.......

You are all beautiful! This disease is not going to define who you are as a person. No matter what remember that I am here for you too. I understand even if its just a little. God does not make trash. I had to tell myself that a lot. He just doesnt! We are of his image...and God is not trash:) He is wonderful, beautiful just like you! This is me slowly getting back to what I looked like before.....but what I have gone through has made me stronger.....wanting to help others so they don't have to suffer as much.
my youngest son and I at onset of cushings

Year before cushings and before I cut off my hair

i will get back to this. Cushings took it from me but I will get it back

After my kids were all born

It took time to get diagnosed and it will take time to heal. I have to give myself that time. Here I am 3 months post op......
If you ever want to talk please feel free to email me at Cushingscountrygirl@gmail.com or come visit our Facebook Group called "cushings!!" I will always respond to you! Hope this was somewhat helpful even if to show you that you are not alone.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Cushings Blogs of friends of mine!

Its always good to see a story or be able to relate to someone. I wanted to share just a couple of friends who said I could share their sites for others to see. These are all Cushies that are on my facebook group called "Cushings!!" please feel free to join at anytime! These are not in order but thought it would be good for you to have a couple to look at:)

Health in Sickness By Van   http://onedelicateheart.blogspot.com/

Living with Cushings By Rachel  http://cushieworld.wordpress.com/

Livehard.livestrong by Nicole  http://cushiequeen.blogspot.com/

My life as a girl with Cushings By Tiffany  http://www.youngcushie.blogspot.com/

Cushings with Moxie by Moxie   http://cushingsmoxie.blogspot.com/

Muskeg Farm by Catherine  http://muskegfarm.blogspot.com/

and of course this blog that Van and I started to show you the difference between two Cushies:). These are just a few of many blogs that really have the journey and story of cushings. These ladies are all fantastic. Its not easy to put your life out there.....but its worth it if you can help one person or many!

My good friend Rachel and I are working also on a Cushingstories.com website. We would love to be able to put on your videos or stories onto our site for more ppl to see. Please comment below or email me at Cushingscountrygirl@gmail.com so we can add it to the site. It will be up and running in a few weeks. Just need link to your video or blog so we can share it with the world.....Thank you in advance! We just want to advocate and get Cushings known by more.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

A shot in my butt....Adrenal insufficiency is no joke!

Happy Halloween....my first real Adrenal Insufficiency day:( But I learned a lot, let me tell you.

How did it start you might ask? Well I am three months post op and went in to get my blood draws to find out how my cortisol levels were to see if I am still in remission. To do that you have to NOT take your cortisol for 24 hours. Somewhere in my head I thought it was 48 hours. Its not! I have now learned.

So I withheld my cortisol for two days. Went in and got 8 vials of blood draw to check cortisol, Acth, Growth Hormone, Vit D, Thyroid etc... I knew that I would be taking my cortisol right after my blood draw, which I did. While I was there though I was asked if I wanted a flu shot. I thought of course. So I got one of those too.

Four hours later I am feeling really achy. Like I am low but I just assume its the flu shot because sometimes it can give you flu like symptoms. One more hour later and I just am really tired and not feeling well so I go to bed really early.

I wake up in the middle of the night and vomit. I am thinking "seriously I shouldn't of taken the flu shot". What I didn't realize was I was going into Adrenal Insufficiency. I was aching so bad I could barely lift my arms. I was so sick to my stomach. I would take my cortisol and it would come straight back up. I took more to try and keep it down with an anti nauseous pill. Finally my husband realized I was going into Adrenal Insufficiency and said its not the flu. I was getting to the point where I was so confused. I couldn't barely keep my eyes open. Thought I was sleeping 2 hours and he said it was 10 minutes. All I wanted to do was fall into a sleep.  I kept saying stuff I just would never say. I couldn't even open the bathroom door because my hands hurt. We emailed my Endo and he got back to me right away! So great to have a awesome Cushings Endocrinologist who emailed me back on his day off. He said take my sol-coruf shot right now and then 30 mg orally after. Then double my regular dose for three days and take it easy. My husband got straight to grabbing my emergency shot and put it in my thigh/butt area. Within 30 minutes I was starting to feel clearer. My arms started being able to move. I wasn't feeling so tired. But I wasn't all better. So I took the 30mg orally and started to feel better. Most ppl would have to go to the hospital for hydration and also another 100mg. So if this happens to you I would recommend going in. We live so far away I just went off what my Dr said to me. Each case is different though so please go to the hospital.

It was a scary moment for us. We live 45 minutes from the nearest hospital and I am so thankful that I had the shot here in my house. I have heard so many horror stories about this. People going into comas or even dying because they didnt get the shot or get to the hospital. This is no joke!

 Now its the next day and I feel like I have the worst hangover ever. I feel my head throbbing and kinda still a little nauseous but doing WAY better. I do notice also that I am feeling more stressed. I am sure that has to do with all the cortisol running through me. The shot is 100mg. I take 7.5 now a day. So I will be taking it WAY easy to get my body back to normal. I am also taking double my regular dose for three days like my Dr told me too.

So what is the moral of this story? Adrenal Insufficiency is no joke. Don't take it lightly. Look for the signs and symptoms of it and take action. I am lucky. I could of slipped into a coma or not gotten to the hospital in time or not had the shot with me. I am lucky I had my husband there because I started to get really confused. Many ppl are alone and we need to really figure out what are symptoms are. I learned you only do not take your med ONE day before your blood draw not two. Do Not take flu shot when you are withholding cortisol from your body. If you are thinking you need the shot....take it. Don't wait. Too much cortisol wont hurt you but not enough will post op.

Look at some of the signs and symptoms of Adrenal Insufficiency to be able to pay attention to your own body more. Its important. Yesterday I was lucky in so many ways. I want you to really pay attention. I know I will be:)

If you want to contact me please feel free to email me at Cushingscountrygirl@gmail.com or I have a facebook group called "Cushings!!" I will always respond back as soon as I can.

Going to leave you with some pictures of my kids....they still had their Halloween and Football Game with the help of my friends and husband! Thank you so much!!!
my daughter as Jack Skeleton

My youngest as Nypd

Great Tackle from my oldest

My two sons won their football game!