Thursday, April 2, 2015

Cushing's Exposing Myself in Pics

Cushings.....the ugly disease:( Okay first off I would like to say I have heard this so many times and I have to disagree! This is not the ugly disease. Actually would make me mad or sad when I heard this. This is a hard enough disease of which so many ppl have a hard time getting diagnosed. I am going to really expose myself in this blog with pictures that I am not proud of and never thought I would put out there for anyone or everyone to see. BUT I am going to because I want to show some of the signs and symptoms of what could happen and what did happen to me. First off I would like to say "I AM NOT UGLY....and none of what is happening to me or has happened to my body is because I wanted it."

hot spots that just appeared

My buffalo hump that grew

round moon face

bad stretch marks just appeared from thin skin and discolored skin

bruising for no reason

belly large and bloated day of surgery

one month after surgery...going down but so many stretch marks
I would show more pictures of some of the changes that happened to my body in the last couple years from cushings. But now in remission and 3 months post op you can start to see the changes for the better. The reason I decided to show the world these pictures is I am hoping someone can relate and go in and see their doctor. I am now 3 months post op and already on the mend. In remission for the time being and things are getting better again. My body is going back to normal. Will all the stretch marks ever go away ? Probably not. But it will be my badge of courage that will remind me how I fought to get to where I am now. Each day I am getting better. Each day I will continue to retrain my mind to tell myself again how beautiful I am. That the disease is not going to define me or who I am. I am not just beautiful on the inside but the outside too. I will show off who I am and not hide from the world. Its not something everyone can do but I plan on working on it daily.......

You are all beautiful! This disease is not going to define who you are as a person. No matter what remember that I am here for you too. I understand even if its just a little. God does not make trash. I had to tell myself that a lot. He just doesnt! We are of his image...and God is not trash:) He is wonderful, beautiful just like you! This is me slowly getting back to what I looked like before.....but what I have gone through has made me stronger.....wanting to help others so they don't have to suffer as much.
my youngest son and I at onset of cushings

Year before cushings and before I cut off my hair

i will get back to this. Cushings took it from me but I will get it back

After my kids were all born

It took time to get diagnosed and it will take time to heal. I have to give myself that time. Here I am 3 months post op......
If you ever want to talk please feel free to email me at or come visit our Facebook Group called "cushings!!" I will always respond to you! Hope this was somewhat helpful even if to show you that you are not alone. There is also two wonderful sites that you should visit. One is and the other is


  1. I got the same rash last summer. Same spot! My doctors called it a heat rash. My 24 hour urine came back normal when I tested twice before for Cushing's, but I brought this up with the endocrinologist and said I seriously wonder if I'm cyclical. And so, I'm doing another 24 hour urine test.

    Thanks for this blog. I really appreciate it.

  2. Is there still a Facebook group? I couldn't find it. Thank you!
