Friday, October 24, 2014

How this blog came to be....

I thought it would be good to tell you how Van and I got together to do this blog and why it is so important to us:) This is my side of the story:) 

 I got an email from Novartis Pharmaceutical Corporation asking me to come to a conference in New Jersey. This meeting would be called Cushings Disease Online Influence Advisory Board meeting. I had to really think and pray about going to this as I was only 2 months post op when I received the email. After many phone conversations with Nicole Riley the Director of Public Relations I decided this was the experience I needed. I want to help other Cushies like myself and if I could help a company that has the means to help the masses.....I wanted to help them. 

2 weeks later I was on a plane from California to New Jersey with my best friend (cant really travel alone yet as I cant pick up my luggage lol and am only 2 months post op).
I left my husband to tend to our Four ...yes four teenagers. He was all for me going to find out information and to tell my story. Do you feel bad for him? hehe....P.s he did great as usual!
The first night there we were to have a dinner to get to know the other Cushies that were there and meet the staff of the Novartis group. I swear I was the last person to show up at the dinner and as I sat down..............there she was! :) It was Van!! I recognized her right away because when I first diagnosed I went crazy on You tube looking at before and afters and she was the first video I ever watched. She was like my lil rock star. I leaned over to my BFF and said..."I am going to tell her what she means to me". Later during dinner I had my chance. I spoke up (a lot because I am a talker) and told her how she influenced me so much and how I was so happy to meet her. From that moment on I knew we would be friends. **** I swear I am not a stalker hahaha****

The next day was the conference. We learned a lot. We learned about how to get our stories out there more and the facets that we could do. 7 Cushies and Novartis staff talked about how to get the general public to know more about this rare disease. We talked a little about our journeys. We talked about the drug Signifor that we learned was for those who couldnt have surgery or wanted to lower their cortisol until they could have surgery. It was nice to know their were more than one option. Especially for me because my tumors were so close to the carotid arteries the Dr's weren't sure we would be able to do the surgery. Most of all though we talked about being advocates, getting information out there. The right information. the other Cushies were amazing and I was so thrilled to meet them! Rachel Wilson and Mary O were some of the Cushies we met that are instrumental in Advocating Cushings as well!
Novartis Team and Cushings Patients 2014

Later that day Van and I were able to talk. We talked about how our symptoms were different, how our diagnosis went and how we are doing on remission. We talked about trials and tribulations. We talked about weening from cortisol after surgery. We talked about a lot. But mostly we talked about how we want to help others and how even if we just reach one person and are able to get them to diagnosis then we would be excited.

The conference ended. Novartis did an amazing job. Really helped us in knowing how to reach the public. Van was found through her other blog and I was found through my Youtube videos. We knew though that we could do more. I called Van when I got back to California. I am sure she thought I was crazy lol. Told her I thought it would be great to have a blog with the two of us because we have such different symptoms and journeys. I was afraid she would say no because I had never done a blog before. I told her to think about it and get back to me. It didnt take long! She is amazing and so sweet! The first text I got back was an idea on the name of the blog. Thats when 2cushiegirls began! All from a meeting of two ppl at a Cushings event. I cannot express how glad I am that I decided to go!

 Now you can find us through blogs (this one and Vans 
and my Facebook group Dont forget we also have Youtube pages...Rae Collins and Onedelicateheart. Now we have also put ourselves out there on Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter. Thank you to the Novartis Group for really helping us to want to help others using our own Journeys!! If you are a Cushie....we would love to hear your story also. Its all about getting our journeys knows and all about information so maybe we all can help just one person! 

Disclaimer: Novartis paid for our trip, meals and lodging while at the Conference.

#raredisease, #cushings, #novartis, #signafor, #2cushiegirls, #symptoms


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