Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Pituitary Surgery for my friend, and remembering mine.

My good friend Heather is going into her pituitary surgery tomorrow morning. I have all this excitement for her because I know what can happen, the changes that can happen for the better, once the tumor is out. I had pituitary surgery 3 months ago with the same Neurosurgeon at the same hospital. I am so proud of her and how far she has come and how hard she fought listening to her body. Thinking back about the surgery it really does amaze me how they go up the nose to get a brain tumor out. Although I am sure she is scared of pain or of complications or whatever thoughts may run through her head....I try to keep it positive because it IS! This surgery changed my life. It made me go into remission. Did the first couple days suck because of nose packing's? Well yes....BUT it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought and was so manageable with a little pain medication.
hour before surgery

My life changed that day and I am hoping for my friend her life changes tomorrow for the better. We both know some ppl who have had more than one surgery BUT we know SO many more than have only had one. Either way, whatever happen, I am going to be there for my friend. We met through a Cushings website. Its interesting how you connect to someone you haven't met in real life. We talk about it all....even our kids, normal lives, daily frustrations or joys. This disease may be debilitating and suck (sorry but it can) but its amazing the blessings that come with it too. So many blessings like finding good friends!! 

Tomorrow she wont be feeling the best but I have shown her my picture collage which I hope helps her and others. Because you see how fast you go through it. Heck I am 3 months post op and no one in my town can tell I ever had brain surgery. This can be a good and bad thing. Good we don't have the scars and shaven heads but bad because well you don't LOOK like you had it so ppl don't know. It is BRAIN SURGERY so you do have to take it easy for a long time. Recovery is key
After surgery

Nose packing, its out day 2-3 though

After just a couple days her nose packing will be out and it will be a breath of fresh air. It will be such a relief. Hopefully by this time she has crashed. Not crashing like not breathing and heart stopping (nurses say this is crashing). BUT Cushings Crashing! Which is when your cortisol levels plummet. It will make her feel like crap, but this is a crap we want her to feel like........................it means remission.........! I was lucky enough to crash on my first surgery. I felt like crap but let me tell you it was the best feeling in the world because I knew what it meant. Tomorrow I am sending her flowers. And as my BFF did to me the card will write "I hope you feel like crap. xoxo". 
packing out!!!

great support from hubby
 I pray for her that her surgery goes well. I pray she finally sleeps. I pray she feels like crap because her cortisol crashes. I pray that she is not scared but hopeful. I pray that she feels a difference in her symptoms as soon as a week even. I pray her brain fog leaves. I pray her family lets her rest and that her support system understands its going to take months to recover if not a year. I pray its speedy for her. I pray she goes in tomorrow morning calm because this is something she wants. I pray most for remission that never leads to another tumor. I pray....I pray....I pray for all those things that I wanted for myself and for all the things I want for all the cushies I know. And if this doesn't happen (which i think it will) I pray she knows that we are all here for her. That its okay and we will be there everyday after that to get her back in for another surgery. I feel in my bones though that she will go into remission.
two weeks later

less than a month out from surgery
Remission is still a long journey but its the uphill side of things! Its that light at the end of the tunnel. We aren't all better just because the tumor is out. Slowly though we will get better, start to see the glimpses of our old selves. Its a magical moment when those things happen, when we see the difference. And remember Heather that when you are in remission that you will still doubt and worry because you never want to go back BUT as I had to learn...........YOU ARE IN REMISSION TILL YOUR NOT!!!!  Go get em girl!!!


  1. I'm just now commenting on this post, but I dearly love it! It's something I will always remember. Thank you, Rae :)
